May 11Liked by Arthur_Rimbaud

I always found Pitt too pretty to be taken seriously in these roles, but he was far more believable as an Irish Gypsy than say Dicaprio is doing his Southie tough guy dialect. No matter how good an actor he is I just don't see him as a tough guy. Johnny Depp can transcend his pretty boy features and was brilliant as Whitey Bulger. I'm going to dl this now and give it a go. Thanks for the recommendations. 👍🏼

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Jun 6Liked by Arthur_Rimbaud

Great writeup on one of my favorite movies. The darkness of this thing was striking but you described it perfectly, which I couldn't really do. I really liked the Jesse James movie too. But this one is so entertaining, despite the fact that there's no one to root for, nothing but decay everywhere you look. Great post.

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